The Mountaineer Montessori School adolescent program, serving seventh and eighth year students, combines the best of Montessori practices with current research on adolescent education, with a special emphasis on the unique intellectual, emotional, and physical transitions students at this age experience. Our developmentally-aligned program offers an academically rigorous curriculum with high expectations for each student. Holistic, individualized support enables each student to develop his or her full potential as a future leader and contributing member of society.
The Montessori Middle School model is based upon Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision for a “school of experience in the elements of social life,” emphasizing work that is meaningful, collaborative, and adult-like. Her plan for work and study offers adolescents true integration of knowledge and experience as well as opportunities for genuine contribution to their community. The result is intellectual independence, an awareness of human connections and the strengthening of moral character.
The Montessori adolescent curriculum is a place-based, integrated approach to education that gives students a hands-on, real-world preparation for higher education...and for life.
To develop a sense of place, and provide a meaningful context for student work, Middle School learning happens in a variety of places: at our school, in nature, and the city and state in which we live.
Adolescents need to be valorized through real work — work that has meaning to them and in their community. At MMMS, students are responsible for community chores, providing food for our community, planning trips into the larger community, developing and implementing a micro economy, and maintaining the classroom budget. These experiences allow students to experience the dynamics of social life, community organization, and self-governance.
Our prepared environment expands into the larger Charleston area. Students work with community partners and travel throughout the region as part of their studies Students take the lead in planning and organizing outings, which are essential for gaining independence and learning what is expected of them in society.
“The world of education is like an island where people cut off from the world prepare for life by being removed from it.”
-Maria Montessori
The Montessori adolescent program builds on students’ intense interest, passion, and curiosity to support deep understanding of academic subjects and their connections to the world around them. Rather than learning through textbooks and lecture alone, students conduct independent research, search out primary sources, meet with experts, and participate in student-led seminar discussions that develop critical thinking, verbal and written communication skills, and lifetime knowledge.
“It’s important that we touch history and not just read history.” Bernice King
Business and community leaders, neighbors, artists, and subject matter experts enrich our middle school program, sharing expertise and insights that connect students’ academic learning to the real world.
Our Middle School program features a rich variety of creative self-expression opportunities for students to discover themselves and their world and channel energies during a time of great physical and intellectual transformation. Artists, guest teachers, and instructors from the school community guide these artistic and physical pursuits. Students help design each year’s self-expression program, which can include art, drama, creative writing, crafting/sewing, wood carving, and all types of music as well as various forms of physical expression, including archery, cross training, yoga, and dance.
At MMMS, students operate their own small businesses. Through this process they develop responsibility, accountability, project management and problem-solving skills as well as an understanding of entrepreneurship, business and marketing, and financial literacy.
Each year, students meet with business owners and conduct research to develop proposals for their projects, sharing their ideas in a “Shark Tank” format. Collectively, the community makes the final decisions on the interest and economic viability of their ideas. The development of a micro economy provides invaluable experience for practicing and participating in a real community.
Academic lessons are integrated into the micro economy program. For example, growing produce introduces biology and chemistry principles. Creating a budget develops math and planning skills. Creating an effective proposal hones written and oral communication and technology skills.
Through class meetings, students develop communication and interpersonal skills that support positive personal, academic, and social relationships and inspire them to become compassionate and socially conscious citizens of our school, community, and planet. Students practice the Montessori peace philosophy through grace and courtesy in the classroom and public service and volunteerism.
The MMS Middle School team includes experienced Montessori educators and highly qualified specialists who bring exceptional academic and professional backgrounds to our program.
Learn more about MMS faculty.
Mountaineer Montessori School