“Montessori influenced my education by reminding me of the point of why I go to school. It’s easy to get lost in the point and grade system, so having the background of Montessori helped me not lose sight of learning. My interest in math education, and education reform is heavily influenced by Maria Montessori’s curriculum, and I hope to eventually earn Montessori certification.
MMS is special to me because, not only does it represent how I personally fell in love with learning, but it’s also quite admirable that it stands, as a gift from Mary (McKown) to West Virginia, available to provide a new way of life to the children of our state. I find that so powerful, especially when I see where it has taken students who otherwise may have been stifled by the monotony and control of a ‘traditional’ education.” Deema Kahwash, senior, George Washington High School; National Merit Semi-Finalist, Beta Club.
“Montessori has influenced my work ethic and my value for education. I was taught the skills of time management and that I was, and am, responsible for my own education at a very young age. Personally, I believe that although Montessori has greatly influenced my success in academics, the most important things I learned there were not from a book. The teachers treated me and all of the students as equal and did not dismiss opinions and concerns just because of the age of the speaker, but listened and took every child into consideration. I learned, through my experiences, to respect everyone, especially those who share vastly different opinions than me. I learned to appreciate diversity and the value of knowing people from different backgrounds and learning from their stories. I learned to think rationally, to analyze situations and find solutions.
I learned to ask questions about everything and keep an open mind. These are the lessons that I value the most and continue to carry through every aspect of my life.” Jenna Kahwash, 10th grade, George Washington High School; Beta Club, national second place team, American Chemical Society exam.
“Montessori has influenced my education and interests in an amazingly positive way. It has helped me deeply think about situations and analyze them differently.
The community of MMS is very loving and kind. It feels like a great big family. At MMS you get to know everyone so quickly, and you learn something new about them everyday. MMS makes me feel very confident in myself.” Leana Kahwash, sixth year student
“We became part of the MMS community 12 years ago. The most wonderful thing was watching my three daughters going to school with a big smile every morning. Throughout the years, each member of the MMS community contributed in their growth to become independent thinkers and avid learners.” Zeina Hadar, M.D.
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Mountaineer Montessori School